Rottweilers dog are vigorous, athletic and incredible; they have a broad chest and a muscular body. These dogs are also known as ‘Rotties’ and ‘Rotts’.
Rotties were perfected in Germany but originated in Rome. German Butcher’s dog is the old identity of Rottweilers. They were known like this as they were engaged in driving cattle to the market. They were also engaged in pulling a cart for farmers.
But due to rail and road network development, in mid of 19th century, demand for herding dogs steadily declined and hence Rottweiler breed is assumed to reach extinct level.
Rottweilers are wonderful watch dogs. In the ancient times, farmers used to keep their money wallet around the neck of Rottweilers. Due to furious nature of Rottie, robbers would not attempt to steal it from here.
They were so fierce that farmers used to put their purses around their neck to save them from robbers.

Rottweilers have also worked with police and military for different purposes in many countries. As they are naturally guard dogs, they become very protective towards their owner and his family.
A well-raised Rottweiler will be quiet yet fearless. Rotties are not that friendly with the outsiders. They are believer of wait and watch approach and that makes them perfect watch dog as well as companion dog in family.
If want a Rott to be a part of your family, remember you will need to invest a lot in training and socializing. People are saying Rottweilers are extremely aggressive but My Love My Pet believes it’s an issue of how you are raising the puppy and not of breed itself.
Rottweiler breed dogs are gaining popularity in India.
If you are bringing a Rottweiler Puppy at home, you are raising a cute and courageous family defender. But before taking a decision to bring one home, My Love My Pet suggest to go through this Rottweiler information, it will help you make an informed decision.
Rottweiler Dog Physical Traits
Dog Breed Group: The Rottweiler is a medium to large or large size working dog who is confident and not fearful of anything.
Height: Male Rotties height at shoulder is around 61 to 69 centimetres whereas females grow between 56 and 63 centimetres.
Weight: The ideal weight of male Rottweiler should be between 50 to 60 kg whereas female Rott will weigh between 35 to 48 kilos.

Coat: Rottweilers have double coat and their undercoat at neck and thighs is waterproof. Due to waterproof coat Rottweilers can get wet without the water actually reaching to their skin. Quantum of undercoat is dependent on general weather conditions where the dog is living. Outer coat length varies from short to medium.
Colour: It is easy to identify a Rottweiler from colour. They come in single black colour with brown spot markings on their chest, face and paws. These spots can come in three different variations which includes Rust, tan, and mahogany.
Life Span: Average life span of Rottweiler dog breed is in between 8 to 10 years.
Rottweiler Training Requirements
Rottweilers are very smart in chainable dogs. Because of their strong muscular body and training drive they must be trained from puppy hood.
Given the fact, Rottweilers are very strong and powerful dogs and you being an owner of a Rottweiler dog socializing them and making them a well-behaved dog should be your primary purpose.
Due to large structure, muscular body and a strong bite power an extensive socialization process is mandatory for Rottweilers.
Because of their strong protective nature, towards their family, Rottweilers Dog can be aggressive towards strangers. There is thin line of difference a Rott being aggressive and protective. That’s why at many places you cannot enter if you are having Rottie as a companion.
Rottweiler Socialization Training Requirements

So, start socialization early right after a 8th week of their age. It is very important that you establish yourself as alpha leader of the pack so your dog can follow you. If need be enrol for a dog training classes, it is a great way to introduce them to a socialization process. With such socialization techniques a Rott can grow up to be a gentle, playful and loving Rottweiler. If required, consult a dog trainer.
Take your Rottweiler to a dogs park, nearby markets and outside for a walk on regular basis.
In addition to socializing your puppy, you will need to teach them plenty of obedience training. Teach them some basic commands like ‘come’, ‘sit’, ‘stay’, etc.
The first thing you will need to teach your Rottweiler puppy is to eliminate outside, it is your duty to teach him. Be an alpha leader of the pack, which means you should be the one giving the commands and your puppy should follow them.
Use positive reinforcement and give rewards to your Rottweiler puppy for following your commands. Remember, it will be totally counterproductive if you beat or yell at your puppy.
How Much Exercise A Rottweiler Dog Needs?

Dogs of Rottweiler breed are very energetic and muscular and therefore they need a good amount of physical activity. To remain active and maintain their fitness, outdoor activities like running or hiking are very good for a Rottweiler.
Let them go in your backyard. However, don’t leave them unattended in your backyard, they need human supervision.
For mental stimulation, keep them entertained. Play different games with Rottweiler dogs like agility, chasing a ball, fetch, etc.
Without proper exercise activities Rottweilers can be bored and destructive. You might see them barking due to the lack of exercise activities. If proper exercise schedule is not maintained then Rotties will become obese and that will lead to joint diseases.
Nutrition and Food for Rottweiler Dogs
Rottweilers have a strong muscular body which demands a high quality and high energy dog food. It is advisable to choose a food which is AFC complaint.

The first thing in an ingredient list is supposed to be protein. Further, make sure the protein is in the form of animal protein like lamb, fish, turkey, etc.
Other protein resources like meat by products, grain and vegetable protein should be avoided since they are not easy for Rottweilers to process.
According to a AFC recommendations, a Rottweiler puppy needs to have at least 22% of protein content in their food while for adult dogs it should be at least 18%.
Fats are supposed to be the second main ingredients in the dog food. Fats derived from animal sources like chicken or fish oil should be preferred over plant fats. A Rottweiler puppy dog needs at least eight percent of fats while an adult dog needs to have at least five percent of fat content in their food.
Other main ingredients are supposed to be carbohydrates, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Make sure the food is free from preservatives and chemical flavourings.
Occasionally you can serve homemade peanut butter cookies with fish oil and frozen yogurt pop. Your Rottweiler will love this change. Rottweilers may develop canine allergies to certain foods. If you see a repeated skin problem, itching & rashes probably it could be because of a certain food ingredient. Divided giving food to your dog that contain fillers, flavourings, colourings, etc.
General Health Care of Rottweiler Dog Breed
Rottweilers are generally healthy dogs but they may encounter some brief specific issues like any other larger dog breed.
Rotties may develop some joint diseases in the form of elbow or hip dysplasia. OCD is another joint disease which affects elbow or shoulder. Other main diseases that could affect a Rottweiler dog are bloating, hypothyroidism, bone cancer, etc.
Vaccinations are very important for a Rottweiler to save him from fatal diseases. Vaccinations usually starts around fifth week of Rott’s age. Some of the common vaccines given to the Rottweilers are rabies, canine distemper, parovirus, lyme, etc.
Rottweilers also need booster vaccines every year. So regularly consult your vet about the vaccination process. Don’t indulge in self-medication of Rottweiler dog or puppy.
Grooming Requirements of Rottweiler Breed

Coat Grooming: Rottweilers have a short double code which sheds a lot mainly during spring. In general they need to be brushed several times a week. But during the shedding season, Rott’s need more frequency of brushing on coat. Brushing help remove the loose and tangled hairs as well as spread natural oils to the skin. Use a firm bristle brush to pin their coat.
Muzzel Grooming: Rotts have a thick muzzle that may trap any dirt or saliva. Therefore, daily face wash is recommended to clean their muzzle and skin folds.
Ears Grooming: Rottweilers ears may develop and wax or fluid discharge hence it is necessary to check weekly. Use a soft cotton ball and a vet approved air cleaning solution to clean their ears.
If you see your Rottweiler dog shaking his head or scratching his hair then probably it could be because of an ear infection. In such cases take him to a vet.
Nail Grooming: Trim Rottweiler dog nails regularly, advisable frequency after every two weeks. Use a dog nail trimmer.
Since Rottweilers have black nails which hides the quick portion of their nails you need to be very careful while trimming nails. Trim the tip of their nails, if the quick portion of the nail gets cut and bleeding starts use vet approved clot to stop the bleeding.

Teeth Grooming: A good dental hygiene is essential for a Rottweiler dog. A dog’s teeth may develop tartar, bad breath and gum diseases. Brush him daily or two to three times a week. Slowly introduced your Rottie to teeth brushing by rubbing their teeth with fingers. Use dogs toothbrush and paste, avoid human’s toothpaste since it will upset their stomach if swallowed.
Rottweiler Price in India
These days, Rottweiler puppies are available in major metro cities of India. Rottweiler Indian price for pet quality genuine breed ranges in between Rs.17,000 to Rs.25,000.
At the same time, Rottweiler dog price of show quality puppy starts around Rs.35,000. The upper limit of Rottweiler puppy price goes in lakhs as it heavily depends on import lineage.
My Love My Pet advises to approach only reputed pet firms and certified breeders of India when you want to buy a Rottweiler puppy. If you are buying a new Rottweiler puppy, make sure to check for certain health clearances and certificates
These health clearances will certify that the puppy parents were genetically tested before mating and so your puppy is free from any genetic diseases.
For Rottweiler Puppy you need to check certificate of puppy parents about the following concerns:
A certificate from OFA (Orthopaedic Foundation for Animal) or PennHIP (University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program) for hip dysplasia
A certificate from OFA for elbow dysplasia and hypothyroidism
A certificate from canine eye registry foundation for eyes
You can confirm these certificates by visiting the OFA or CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) websites.
Some Frequently Asked Questions About Rottweiler Dog Breed
Are Rottweilers dangerous? Rottweilers are one of the extremely aggressive and dangerous breed there is no doubt about it. But, as we mentioned earlier bad reputation of this breed is a problem of how they are being raised and not of the breed itself.
If a Pomeranian is always caged and not properly socialized that he can be equally aggressive as a Rottweiler. With proper socialization and obedience training from early age Rottweilers can be the best defender of your family.
Is Rottweiler one master dog? We believe it’s a rumour. We have seen couple of Rottweilers who are a gentle part of the family. They are well behaved with family members as well as with guests.
This again goes around the socializing and training part. If you train properly a Rott and a cat can stay in the same house.

Is Rottweiler dog banned in India? No there is no such law in India which bans Rottweiler Dog as pet. However there are many countries in world who have placed a ban or restriction on Rottweiler Dogs. Here are some of them France, Italy, Romania, Israel, Portugal, Ecuador, Ukraine, Belarus.
Are Rottweilers loyal and friendly? Rottweilers are extremely loyal to their family at the same time they are very friendly dog. It’s just Rotts being a natural guard dog, human supervision is necessary. Training from puppy days is essential key to make Rottweiler a friendly dog.
Is Rottweiler good for a first-time dog owner? Yes and No both.
Yes, if you are not fearful of large breed dogs. Yes, if you can invest time in training your Rottweiler puppy from the early age. Yes if you can provide sufficient exercise and quality food to Rottweiler Dog. If you have an open land or backyard at home, that would be added advantage.
NO if you are only one or two people at home and all of them spend most time in office. No, if cannot invest sufficient time, energy and money in training your Rottweiler.
When should Rottweilers be neutered? 24+ months age is suitable for neutering a Rottweiler. However, spaying of female can be done after 12 month’s age but if possible wait till she turns 24 months. Just remember early neutering or spaying a result in serious health issue like bone cancer.
Here are some of the Rottweiler Dog Images
Here are some images of Rottweiler dog and puppy in various poses. Many Rott images are by our reader and followers on social media.
Boxy & Boyka Rottweiler Dog (Gandhinagar) Risky Rottweiler Breed Dog (Noida) Jack & Jill Rottweiler Dog (Thane) Gracy Rottweiler with Pomeranian (Ahmedabad) Moana Female Rottweiler (Vasai) Roxy Rottweiler Puupy (Kadod) Roxy Female Rott (Sultanpur, UP) Purebred Rott Dog Rottie with leash
My Love My Pet assure, with this information on Rottweilers now you should be able make a good decision whether Rott can be a good choice for you or not.